AppSpy is one of the best WhatsApp spy app android free that you can use to spy on your kids. The AppSpy is loaded with a bunch of features that makes it possible to keep track of your kids WhatsApp chats and messages. WhatsApp Spy APK for Android free. Download fast the latest version of WhatsApp Spy APK for Android: Know what´s up with your contacts in Whatsapp without appearing online in the app. What is WhatsApp Spy app. WhatsApp Spy is free whatsapp app developed by kiwiio. Spy your whatsapp contacts without going online in whatsapp The latest version of this whatsapp, spy, connection, online, status application is 1.10. With 1.00 / 5 rating from 1 votes and 4231 downloads so far it is whatsapp software worth checking out.

  1. Free Spy Software For Android
  2. Spy For Whatsapp For Free
  3. Whatsapp Spy Software
  4. Spy On Whatsapp
  • Real Time Spy WhatsApp Messages
  • View WhatsApp History Of The Phone
  • View Deleted WhatsApp Messages
User Review
4.28(124 votes)

WhatsApp Spy – Spy WhatsApp Messages – WhatsApp Tracker

TheTruthSpy lets you view all the WhatsApp conversations that take place through the target phone. With TheTruthSpy, WhatsApp spy, spy WhatsApp messages, WhatsApp Tracker, you can:

  • View all WhatsApp chat conversations.
  • Find out the names and numbers of people they have been chatting with.
  • Get time and date stamps to know when each chat took place.
  • Get access to any photos, videos or audio files sent through WhatsApp and saved on the target phone.
  • All WhatsApp conversations are uploaded to your online TheTruthSpy control panel which you can access from anywhere with an internet connection.

Why You Need Spy WhatsApp Messages

Are your loved ones using WhatsApp to hide their text conversations? Do you fear your employees are just wasting away their time on WhatsApp? Would you like to find out exactly what they talk about? To do you want to lay your eyes over the media they have been sharing? TheTruthSpy lets you spy on any WhatsApp conversations that take place on a phone and will help you get the full story of their conversations. All WhatsApp spying information be accessed by simply logging into your online TheTruthSpy control panel.

What are advantages of spy WhatsApp Messenger and how it is utilized in the best way

In the present stage of technology and digitalization, everything is vast and explored in each and every corner of the world. This world is vast, but still, the human brain and skills have made it possible to reach and visit each direction and corner by just sitting at home. The Internet is the connection that connects the people together and brings them closer improvising the relationships. This technology is nowadays used by everybody, and every individual is enjoying the benefit of this. But with the increased use of technology, cyber crimes have also increased. To control these crimes and fraud, online spy WhatsApp Messenger has been developed by the professional.

Through the use of this app, one becomes aware of the problems coming in the way. WhatsApp is the app that enables an individual to chat freely without paying separately for every message. Most of the valuable information nowadays is shared online on the WhatsApp Messenger. This is the best medium of communication. Many features are also developed in the app which is very useful for gaining more information and convenient use. Videos are shared through WhatsApp, photos, video chat and calling feature is the best and people can chat with their loved ones, and they feel as if they are sitting in front of them. These features are also very beneficial for spying purpose.

  • Spy WhatsApp Messenger is a very useful app as nobody can lie to you. If somebody is lying, then you can immediately check his loyalty towards you. Some people trust blindly, and most of the people are always ready to misuse the trust of another person.
  • These spy apps are very efficiently developed by the professional experts and with the continued success in this field; many new features are introduced to the people.
  • Through the use of this app, you can get all the messages of another person.
  • You can track all the messages of the victim and even can check the location through the GPS tracker.

With the increasing use of this spy app, many other advantages are also introduced to the people. The WhatsApp is very popular among students and teenagers. The parents who are aware install this spy whatsapp messenger, and the children can be kept under their surveillance. They can check the messages and can see that the content they are receiving on the WhatsApp is useful for them or not. They can even monitor the chat and block the person who is not suitable, through some specific features.

How to spy WhatsApp messages

This is very simple and easy process, and you can also get all the configured information through this app. nowadays there is a large communication gap between the parents and the children because of the busy lifestyle and working parents. Children are keeping the secrets from their parents, and this gap increases anxiety, depression, and the last step is suicide. Teenagers think that suicide is the only solution to the problem; they do not think with a calm mind. For stopping such activities and crimes, it has become important for people to have spy WhatsApp.

  • Working parents cannot take so much care of their children and busy due to which the children also feel that nobody has time to listen to their problems and they feel departed and do not share their problems.
  • If you have the app, you are free and understand your children more deeply and can also solve their issues.
  • Many officers and inspectors also have this app to catch the thieves and many dangerous robbers. Terrorists’ activities can also be taken into control. Pre-awareness about the certain problem is the advantageous step in this direction. Many wars can be stopped through this app. Information is transferred through this app.
  • Largely and extensively used by the detectives they are assigned, or their duty is to collect all the information about the victim or the target. This spy WhatsApp messenger has reduced the work of detectives, and they can fetch or capture all, the information through the mobile very easily and quickly. They can also collect all the evidence against the victim and can track the location of the individual.
  • The victim cannot be released easily as this app also has the GPS tracker. If the person is present anywhere in the world, he can be caught or tracked easily.

You should know this thing that to get all the information both the mobile has the spy app installed in the device. After installing you can hide this feature in the victim’s mobile if you want secret spying on them. You can also make them download it themselves without touching their phone by sending the automatic link through the text messages. Then you can spy easily and grab the information about anyone quickly.

Features of spy WhatsApp messenger:-

There are many specific features of the spy WhatsApp chats they can be described as follows:-

  • Track internet usage: – this spy WhatsApp is very useful. This can also check that when the individual or person is using the internet. Every detail or the data are transferred to your mobile automatically if you are connected to the victim’s device. You can get the information immediately and can even block the link through some special settings. This app can even hack the account successfully.
  • Manage calls: – this app is popular for auto call managing. This can also record the calls or conference calls and send them directly to your device. Trace the clear voices from all the directions.

An individual can also refer to the site for gaining more specific information about truth spy app.

  • Tracking through GPS: – GPS tracking is the most important and essential feature of truth spy apps. The global positioning system is the system, and the range of this system prevails all over the globe. The person or the victim is present wherever and at any corner of the world they can easily be grabbed through the GPS tracker in the spy WhatsApp Messenger. Tracking is also essential so that nobody can cheat you easily. Parents can also confirm that their children are safe. They can keep parental control over their children.
  • You can also check that if your spouse or husband is cheating on you then instead of going out, following them and checking where they are going at what time. You can get all such information through the spy whatsapp messenger, sitting at home.
  • An individual gets all the texts and contacts through which the message has been sent and received.

Spy WhatsApp Messenger is introduced with the topmost and latest features. These are the most important and essential features. This app has also contributed to the development and advancement of the country. The economic level has risen because this app protects the country from various wars and enemies. This identifies that which country is their enemy and planning against them. When you are previously aware of the situations, then you can take the appropriate decisions necessary for the country. This app is also useful for the ministers. This is also used for multipurpose.

More extraordinary features:-

Many other features are also developed which are as follows:-

  • Remote control: – you can control the features and can monitor the text messages through this spy app. When you have this app, then you can stay away from the tension of what your loved ones are doing at what time. They are in front of your eyes all the time.
  • Sms spy: – this sms spy can get you many hints and evidence about the person. Whenever the text or conversation was taking place, then you will get the alarming tone or notifications that the messages have been received on the victim’s mobile. Then you can quickly see it.
  • Video transfers: – this app can also significantly transfer the videos and calls and easily monitor and watch the content. Terrorists’ activities can be controlled.
  • Tracl the location of the phone: – the phone can be located, and if it gets lost then it is very easy to find it. The movement of the phone is shown on the map. Digital map is clearer and hits and guides you about the actions.

Spy WhatsApp Messenger is advantageous as the photos were taken from the victim’s mobile is also transferred to your device. You are much benefitted from the latest features as you can identify the truth about the situation. This helps an individual to recognize that who is his real friend and who is his just friend. One can easily find out the enemies and their planning.

Benefits of Spy WhatsApp Messages App:-

There are numerous benefits of the spy WhatsApp messenger feature that is made available by the truth spy app. It works as an imaginary lie detector. This world is not that honest and loyal that they will not cheat and you can trust them blindly. It is the most smarter and intelligent step to have the spy WhatsApp messenger with you. Many benefits can be obtained that it becomes impossible to describe each and every benefit here. So here are some of the benefits describe under the following heads.

  • May improve relations: – this app helps in improving the relations also because sometimes misunderstanding arises because of some reasons and after that both the parties do not get time to conversate and solve the misunderstanding. In this way, relations get sour and break the relation. With the help of this app, the people can identify clearly that who said what and nobody can influence and manipulate the situation in front of you.
  • Efficient decision making: – this increases the capability of an individual to make decisions, and appropriate steps can be taken. This app can track all the messages, and you get the idea about the next step, and an individual can act accordingly to the situation. Wrong decisions may get reduced, and financial and economic decisions are also saved.
  • Cheating partners can be caught: – when getting involved in the relationship with the person, everyone hoped and wished that their soul mates should be loyal and honest at least towards them. If you find something strange and wrong, then you can spy and track the messages and location your partner continuously. Before the situation gets out of control and becomes, uncontrollable one should identify the whole situation and take the approximate decisions.
  • Keep surveillance on children and protect them: – especially teenagers are getting indulged in the criminal activities because of the cyber bullies. To protect your children away from the cyber crimes, you can download this spy whatsapp. These people are searching their prey on the internet and social media websites. Parents can protect their children and guide them accordingly understanding the situation at the right time and right place. Today’s generation is very advanced and takes the wrong action. They are already under pressure because of many problems and can’t share it with anyone. Sometimes they share it with their friends through whatsapp messages. The parents do not have to worry if they have spy WhatsApp messenger because you can read and get all the messages sent or received. You can also collect the history of the messages.

Videos can also be viewed, and you are free because you can know the entire activity of your children.

  • Reliable: – this app is very reliable and trusted by most of the users. This app provides all the basic facilities and convenient for using. Online features are developed and latest. These advanced features also helped the detectives, soldiers, and officers. This eases the work of an individual which helps in the development of the country and also save the valuable life of the soldiers.
  • View multimedia files: – the multimedia files are the great evidence and hint to get the necessary details of any individual.
  • Monitor employees: – businessmen can increase the efficiency of employees and increase the profitability of the business. In most of the companies, visits are done and considered as an important part of the business. This helps in tracking the location of the driver and checks their loyalty towards work. Tracker in the spy whatsapp tracks the records, and in this way, business gets developed.

Spy WhatsApp is an essential feature, and many pieces of evidence can be obtained through this. Many important decisions can be taken with the help of this. You can also do many other things and spy successfully and easily. It is important to observe that the app should be downloaded and installed from the official website.

How to download and install the app:-

This app is quite and easy to download, and anybody can download it. No special qualifications are required for this step. Many things are to be kept in mind while downloading; they are as follows:-

  1. Configuration: – first of all you should have the android mobile and then make sure to have the GPRS connection in it.
  2. Download truth spy and here you will get the spy WhatsApp Messenger. Download it.
  3. Now register yourself with the help of the e-mail id and password.
  4. Now you can access all the data of the victim easily.

Many modifications are made to the latest version, and you should download the latest version. WhatsApp Spy is the beneficial app. You can also download it for free.

You can control the conditions through this app and make them better than before. By tracking the messages, you can be saved from many difficulties that can affect you badly. You can monitor the messages and save your loved ones from involving in the large scam. Many people unknowingly get trapped in the larger scam that they cannot get out of it. People usually make friends on social networking site, and they afterward blackmail the innocent teenagers. To avoid the situation, this app is used. You can secretly spy on anyone, and they don’t even know about the spy. You can know all the conditions of your loved ones and all their plans can be known.

This spy feature is very much helpful for the smart users. They know how to use it significantly and for the benefit of all. Sometimes people cannot understand the situation and relation between them get sour. This spy WhatsApp helps to identify the situation clearly. Status of the people is also known to you. An individual can also control the account according to them. They can chat with anyone they want. Block the person you want that they should not message your child or partner. The major advantage is that you can also view the deleted messages and can check the history of the messages on WhatsApp. This way you get to know the whole situation and conversation deeply.

Child abuse, pornography and cyber threats- these have become common news that we find every day on internet, TV or radio. Do you know the most potential source of these issues?

It’s the social media or the messenger apps that prompt user to get engaged in these activities. With simple instructions, you cannot keep your teens away from online chats with unknown persons.

So, what you should do is to spy on them regularly.

Quick Navigation

Now, as WhatsApp has become one of the popular texting apps, you may target it to start your spying process. If you are looking for the best WhatsApp spy app, you can rely on Copy9.

You may see that your dear ones are constantly busy with chatting through WhatsApp. But, you cannot know about their conversation without accessing their phone physically.

We have solved your problem by designing a new app- Copy9. There is no need to ask lots of questions to the target persons. You will get instant information on their activities on your mobile. As a new user, you may like to know how to spy on WhatsApp. Only install our Copy9 app on the target device, and then, it will start its work automatically.

You may remotely control everyday WhatsApp conversation using your device. It is really simpler than what you have thought. Malicious conversations may cause WhatsApp users to face risks. So, our spy app helps you to capture the data that is transferred through the online platform of WhatsApp.

  • Photos and text messages

WhatsApp, as a messenger app, helps in sending or receiving messages and photos from other users. You may view all those images, shared by the target WhatsApp users. You will be able to go through the content of those text messages remotely from your phone.

  • WhatsApp voice calls

The messenger app is also used for voice calls, and our spy app is created to track all those calls. You may also listen to these recordings at any time, when you need.

Step 1: Make sure your Android phone is rooted.

Some programs (i.e. and don’t require tackling it seriously, but in this case, you won’t make the most of some advanced reporting features (e.g. monitoring WhatsApp, Facebook, Viber,... ). They simply won’t work to their full extent.

Copy9, an advanced mobile phone tracker, doesn’t require rooting in general as well; but again, some advanced features (Keylogger, viewing WhatsApp and other Instant Messengers) won’t function without it.

How to do it? Check out our articles below:

Step 2: Install the Copy9 app

You need to physically access the target device once to install its tracking app. After unlocking the phone
Go Settings > Security and just Enable Unknown Sources.Ok .

Browse to from your target device’s browser and download Copy9 App to your target device.
When the downloading is complete, you could find the APK file from the 'Notifications' pop-up window or in the 'downloads' folder. Open the app just installed

Free Spy Software For Android

If you see the notice 'Installation Blocked' select Install anyway (unsafe) and If you already have an account with Copy9 go to Login, If you do not have an account then create a new one.

When you install Copy9, your device will prompt all thepermissions the app needs to be installed. Please accept (tap Next) them and Copy9 will be installed automatically.

*** If target device is rooted, please tap “Accept” or “GrantSuperUser to gain permission to track messages of social networking apps such as Viber, Facebook, Whatsapp Messenger, Skype, Tango …

Step 3: Track WhatsApp chats remotely

In order to use its WhatsApp spy app for Android, go to the left panel of the dashboard ( and click on 'WhatsApp history'. This will display an in-depth chat history of the WhatsApp account of the respective user.

Spy For Whatsapp For Free

In addition to spying on WhatsApp, you may also know about other information

  • Browsing details

Get the information on all the websites, visited from the target device. You will also find the date and frequency of those visits on each of the sites. A clear list will be easily understandable to you.

  • Mobile location

Copy9 software has been developed for collecting data on the target mobile location. You may also alter the frequency of tracking the location from your own online account. Our app helps you in viewing the present location of the particular user.

Moreover, you may also detect your travel route on the map. You can access your account from almost any mobile that has internet connectivity. You will not need to worry on where your dear ones are spending time at present. So, with Copy9, it becomes easy for you to track the geolocation of a person.

  • Call tracker

Whatsapp Spy Software

We have already said that Copy9 can track WhatsApp calls. However, it is also able to record all other calls, received or dialed through the target mobile.

You can listen to the audio, recorded by the app, and this will help you to know about the detailed conversation between two persons. You will also get the details on call duration, call time and call type (like outgoing, incoming or missed call). Moreover, contact names and their numbers may also be revealed to you. So, use our app to know the important information on any target mobile user.

  • Parents

Though Smartphone is the best tool for having contact with your children, it may become the cause of distraction of those teens. Combat all the threats to your kids by installing our spy application.

  • Employers

While your employees do not concentrate on their work, it affects your business productivity. So, you can download our spy app and track the employees, who waste time through chatting or visiting various social media sites. You can make your employees more organized in their work.

Spy On Whatsapp

We have 2-day free trial offer for the new users. However, the paid version of the app has lots of new things to offer you. Our application works on mobile platforms Android. You have to cover only three major steps to enjoy our app.